Hey 👋 It’s me on photo practicing English and enjoying communication 🌸
#weekendwithbenefit 📖 Глаголы продвинутого уровня с возвратным местоимением 📖
💫 abandon yourself to — предаться удовольствию
Example: On the chilly fall day, Maria abandoned herself to the comforts of hot tea and a warm blanket.
💫 avail yourself of — воспользоваться возможностью или доступным ресурсом
Example: Voters should avail themselves of all the tools available to get information about the candidates.
💫 commit yourself — дать обещание
Example: I think I can come but I won't commit myself till I know for sure.
💫 acquaint yourself with — ознакомиться с
Example: Take time to acquaint yourself with the rules.
💫 gorge yourself on — объедаться
Example: I didn't mean to gorge myself on cake at the party—it was just so good!
💫 nerved yourself (up) to — набраться смелости
Example: It took her several months before she eventually nerved herself up to invite him to her house.
💫 accommodate yourself to — приспособиться, придерживаться установленных правил
Example: If you're going to live with us, you need to accommodate yourself to our rules.
💫 pace yourself — не спешить, не делать слишком много за один раз
Example: No more soup, thank you. I'm pacing myself so that I have room for a dessert.
💫 brace yourself for — быть готовым к чему-то неприятному
Example: I had braced myself for rejection, so hearing that I'd gotten the promotion was a very pleasant surprise!
💫 apply yourself — прикладывать усилия в течение длительного времени
Example: You can solve any problem if you apply yourself.
💬 What would you gorge yourself on?😋 Feel free to share your answers in the comments.